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While floods have soaked the Americas and deadly storms have pelted China, droughts have parched Australia and fueled fires in Southeast Asia and Brazil.
(Time 1998)
洪水が南北両アメリカを水びたしにし、恐ろしい嵐が中国を襲う一方で 、晴天つづきがオ−ストラリアを干上がらせ、東南アジアとブラジルで山火事を発生させた。

What grounds might there be for accepting the claims that the author and publisher make for this work? The most elementary and indispensable such ground is absent: an original manuscript. Without that, the basic rules of scientific method require not benefit of doubt but, at a minimum, suspension of belief.
(Times Literary Supplement 1997)

When she saw him alone, or at a formal party, or with his casual inferiors, she felt a tremendous pride in his strong, attractive presence, the paternal, understanding stature of his mind. In other company she became uneasy when what had been a fine imperviousness to mere gentility showed its other face. The other face was gross, humorous, reckless of everything but pleasure.
(F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Rich Boy")

One morning, when I was twelve years old, with my mother in the kitchen downstairs and my father at the hospital across the lawn, I entered my father's study, mounted a rolling ladder that was attached to the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, and brought down the copy of Sexual Normality and Abnormality: Twelve Case Studies.
(Meg Wolitzer, "Tea at the House")
私が 12 才だったある日の朝のこと、そのとき母は下の階のキッチンにいたし父は芝生の先にある病院の方に行っていたのだが、私は父の書斎に入ってみた。そして床から天井までとどく書棚に取り付けてある移動式の梯子に登った。そして『性的正常と性的異常:12 症例の研究 』という本を取り出したのだった。

Women who work days, evenings and nights on rotating shifts for six years or more face a 50 percent higher risk of developing heart disease than their counterparts who work regular schedules, Harvard University researchers report.
(Daily Yomiuri 1996)
ハ−バ−ド大学の研究者たちの報告によれば、昼間、夜間、深夜の交替勤務をロ−テ−ションで 6 年ないしそれ以上の期間こなした女性たちは、規則的なスケジュ−ルで働いている女性たちに比較して心臓疾患におかされる危険性が 50 %ほども大きくなっているという。

Then the killer swiveled toward Rowe and his friends. The next shots shattered the knee of one of the boys next to Rowe and hit another in the chest. Rowe ran for cover, bullets whizzing overhead.
(Newsweek 1999)

At the deep end of the pool, below the diving board, he saw the lounge chair, its yellow webbing and chrome arms shining in the beams of underwater light. He took a deep breath and dove in. The water was as warm as the air, easing the descent from one element to the next.
(Charles D'Ambrosio, "Her Real Name")

'A woman,' the old man said. 'Without science, with nothing to go by, they undertake the most dangerous and sacred experience in God's earth. They fall in love with a woman. Is that correct, Son?' 'Yeah,' the boy said faintly.  'They start at the wrong end of love. They begin at the climax. Can you wonder it is so miserable? ...'
(Carson McCullers, "A Tree・A Rock・A Cloud")
 「女だよ」 老人は言った。「理屈でなしに、手引きがあるわけでもなしに、連中はこの天地の中で一番物騒な、一番神聖な体験にチャレンジする。女に惚れこむわけだ。じゃないのか、坊主」   「はい」 少年はかぼそい声で言った。  「それが色恋を間違った方の側からスタ−トするわけだ。クライマックスのところから始める。ひどい話になって、そりゃ当たり前だろ。...」

Certain teams (the Hawks and Fighters, for example) let their foreign players go home, either for the winter or for good , once their final standing was decided. So those late-season contests, meaningless as far as the league rankings go, were played without key players.
(Japan Times 1996)

She looks into my eyes: You have the glibness, superficial charm, grandiosity, lack of guilt, shallow feelings, impulsiveness, and lack of realistic long-term plans that excite me right now, she says, moving even closer.
(Mark Leyner, "I Was an Infinitely Hot and Dense Dot")

Something was stirring in the mind, but I don't think I should have remembered what, if a crowd of children hadn't come down the hill at that moment into the frosty lamppost, their voices sharp and shrill, their breath fuming as they passed under the lamps.
(Graham Greene, "The Innocent")

To use a real-life murderer as a character in a thriller is a daring gambit. In some ways, of course, Bible John did become a fictional figure in the West of Scotland, a kid of folk devil or bogeyman, and this in itself gives a powerful frisson to Rankin's novel. And yet, by presenting Bible John as a character - a respectable, undistinguished businessman - Rankin dismantles the bogeyman aura and suggests that "the real-life monsters weren't grotesques: they were people you passed on the street and didn't notice".
(Times Literary Supplement 1997)

Back in 1995 more than 200,000 Serbs fled their homes in Krajina when the Croats responded in kind to the plague of ethnic cleansing begun by the Yugoslav president.
(Newsweek 1999)
かって 1995 年、クライ−ナではその数 20 万を上回るセルビア人が住む家を捨てて逃亡した。ユ−ゴスラビア大統領の手で引き起こされた民族浄化の嵐にたいして、クロアチア人たちが同じ手段による報復を行ったときのことである。

The end of the Cold War meant Europe and Japan's futures were unlocked from the shackles of the past. Instead of being bit players on one side of the superpower standoff, both of us were freed to allow other drives to take over. The name of the game at present is economics and everyone is anxious for a larger piece of the pie. The growth and survival of a country or region depends on how well it secures markets for its goods and services.
(Japan Ties 1997)

In 1994, 87 percent of Asians aged 16, and 66 percent of 18-year-olds were in full-time education, compared with 72 percent and 40 percent respectively of those age groups nationally. By contrast, black Caribbeans as a group are performing significantly worse in schools than the white average--but not so much worse than the white average in the inner-city neighborhoods where they are concentrated, a critical distinction.
(Japan Times 1996)
1994 年には 16 才のアジア系市民の 87 %、18 才のそれの 66 %が全日制の教育を受けていた。しかるに二つの年齢層の国民全体としての数字は、それぞれ 72%、40 %となっていた。またこれと対照的なこととして、黒人の中南米系市民を一つの集団として見ると、彼らは学校での成績が白人の平均よりも著しく劣る。ただし、これも都市中心部の白人密集居住区の白人の平均と比べると、さほどには劣っていない。すなわち、これもまた大きな特徴点である。

The German sports news agency SID said getting to venues at the Olympics was a "horror trip." The French newspaper Le Monde referred to "the apoplexy of the transportation system, the saturation of the subway, the irregularity of surface transportation, all of which provoke exasperation on the part of the athletes, the public and the press". (Japan Times 1996-7-26)
ドイツのスポ−ツ通信社 SID は、オリンピックの会場にたどりつくのは一種の「ホラ−・トリップ」である、と述べた。フランスの新聞ル・モンドは、「輸送体系の機能麻痺、地下鉄の超満員、地上交通の不規則性」について触れ、「これらのすべてが競技者、観衆、報道陣の側での憤怒をかきたてている」と報じた。

But then it was not the fact of the accident for which we were unprepared but the reactions of the involved parties. The injured man looked as if he were to blame for having been injured. The taxi driver remained in his car as if his path had been deliberately blocked.
(Graham Swift, "Seraglio")

He believed he would like to go out there as a farm hand; it was hardly possible that he could ever have land of his own. His people had always been workmen; his father and grandfather had worked in shops. His mother's parents had lived in the country, but they rented their farm and had a hard time to get along.
(Willa Cather, "Neighbor Rosicky")

They charge that the government, probably with Lyndon Johnson's knowledge, feared King might topple the "power structure" and had him assassinated. "The economic movement was why he was killed, frankly," Martin Luther King III told NEWSWEEK. "That was frightening to the powers that be."
(Newsweek, 1998)

"Mitchell", he [Mitchell's father] told the reporters, "kept saying he was sorry. He was sorry. He wishes he could take it back." Golden, who seemed almost insouciant in his court appearance, is said to be sobbing in his cell and wants to sit on his grandmother's lap when she visits. And everyone says the same thing in Jonesboro now, the relatives of the suspects, of the victims, townspeople and teachers. They're sorry it happened, and it was so very, very senseless.
(Newsweek 1998)
彼[ミッチェルの父]は報道陣に語った。「ミッチェルはごめんなさい、と言い続けていました。ごめんなさい、やったことが取り消し出来たら本当にいいのに、と」 一方ゴ−ルデンは、法廷に現われたときにはほとんどあっけらかんとして見えたが、独房の中ではすすり泣いているという。また祖母が面会にくると、その膝に抱かれたいと訴える。そして現在ジョ−ンズボロの町では、誰もかれもが――容疑者の家族、犠牲者の家族、町内の人々、学校の先生が――同じ言葉を口にする。こんなことが起きてしまったのが悔しい。本当に、本当に馬鹿なことだった――。

"She's not coming back till to-morrow night," Baines said. He opened the bottles, he pulled up the chairs, he kissed Emmy again against the dresser. "You oughtn't to," Emmy said, "with the boy here." "He's got to learn," Baines said, "like the rest of us," and he helped Philip to three sausages.
(Graham Greene, "The Basement Room")
 「あれは明日の晩までは帰ってはこないんだ」とベインズ氏が言った。彼はボトルの栓を抜いて、椅子をととのえて、それからエミ−を食器棚に押し付けるともう一度キスをした。  「いけないわ」とエミ−。「この子がいるじゃないのよ」   「この子も覚えないといかん」とベインズ氏。「大人とおんなじにな」 それからソ−セ−ジを 3 本ほどつまんでフィリップ少年にすすめた。

I don't know who told me Shahrazad's thousand and one tales when I was a child, but they swim around me like a school of whales even now.
(Time 1998)

Many of these veterans told me their first cigarettes were courtesy of the military, placed on their meal trays while in the service. How ironic that war did not maim or kill these men but that cigarettes did and will.
(Time 1997)

Edison had tried out the analyzer on the men in his shop, without telling them what he was up to. The smarter a man was, by gosh, the farther the needle on the indicator in the little black box swung to the right.
(Kurt Vonnegut, JR., "Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog")

A solid two-thirds of the electorate spoke against his kind of reform, against his war in Chechnya, crime in the streets and corruption in the high echelons of power. On the other hand, Yeltsin's third of the electorate can be viewed as a miracle in a country where the government has stalled for months in giving pay-checks to millions of wage earners.
(Daily Yomiuri 1996)
選挙民のうちのしっかり 3 分の 2 をしめる人々が,彼の流儀による改革,彼のチェチェンでの出兵,市中における犯罪の勃発,権力階層の上部での腐敗,これらのことにたいし,批判的な意見を述べた.また他方で,3 分の 1 ほどにあたるエリツィン支持の選挙民は,政府がすでに数ヵ月にわたって数百万人の俸給生活者への給与支払いを滞らせているこの国にあって,奇跡の存在と見られてさしつかえないものなのである.

My maternal great-grandmother had eleven daughters, seven sons; my grandmother, six sons, five daughters. Each one made at least six. Some made nine. Six times six, eleven times nine. They went on like multiplication tables.
(Dorothy Allison, "River of Names")
私の母方の曾祖母は 11 人の娘と 7 人の息子を生んだ。私の祖母は 6 人の息子と 5 人 の娘を生んだ。そのそれぞれが最低でも 6 人の子をこしらえた。ある者は 9 人だった。6 × 6。11 × 9。子供の数は九九の表のように増えた。

Canadian court on Friday rejected sprinter Ben Johnson's request for relief from a life-time ban that keeps him from competing in athletics. ... "I agree that the ban is reasonable and is not an illegal restraint to trade," [Justice] Caswell said.
(Japan Times, 1997)
カナダの法廷はこの金曜日、短距離走者ベン・ジョンソンによる競技への生涯出場停止を解除するように、との要求を却下した。... 「この禁止は妥当であって生業にたいする不法な制限にはならない、との立場に私は同意見です」とカズウェル[判事]は述べた。

During the last glaciation, which ended about 12,000 years ago, Hokkaido was connected to Sakhalin, which in turn was part of the Siberian mainland. The Tsugaru Strait, on the other hand, is deep enough so that the separation was always maintained.
(Daily Yomiuri 1996)

Not long after they settled into their suites, they laughed their way through a news conference of silly questions and wisecrack answers. Australian reporter to Charles Barkley: Did you hit Shane Heal (in an exhibition game) out of respect or just to hit him?" Barkley: I try to hit everybody, and in that way I'm very consistent."
(Japan Times 1996)
ホテルの部屋に落ち着いてしばらくして後に、彼らは笑い声の中で記者会見――とぼけた質問と気のきいた答弁――をこなしていた。オ−ストラリアの記者から C. バ−クレイに:「(エキシビジョン=ゲ−ムで)S. ヒ−ルにぶっつかったのは敬意の表現でしたか。それともたんにぶっつかるのが目的でしたか」 バ−クレイ:「私はどの相手にでもぶっつかろうとしています。こういう点で私は非常に首尾一貫してますね」

The situation grew worse from there. Sean greeted him quickly, as though they had seen each other only last week, and Malcolm began to sense he was in the way .
(Jeff Eugenides, "Capricious Gardens")

Say what you will about "Titanic's" screenplay--yeah, there are dopey lines--but Rose is one of the most cannily drawn romantic heroines in years. Winslet, with her voluptuous, Botticelli looks, perfectly propels the role. Her beauty is accessible, not intimidating: women can feel themselves inside her skin.
(Newsweek 1998)

The first Fabians wrote as "outsiders", seeking to influence and, if possible, to divert an intellectual climate of opinion, eleven years before the Labour Party was founded. While Fabianism soon became a watchword for gradualism, many of the objectives laid out in the 1889 essays are anything but moderate and, together, they amount to a far-reaching reformulation of society.
(Times Literary Supplement 1997)
フェビアン主義の最初の論集の論者たちは「局外者」の立場から、これに影響力をもつこと、そしてもしも出来るなら論壇の知的潮流を変えること、を願いながら筆を執った。労働党が結成されるよりも 11 年前のことである。ほどなくしてフェビアン主義は漸進的社会主義の一つの合い言葉になった。しかし他方で、1889 年のこの論集の中で打ち出されている目標の多くは、決して穏健主義的であるといえない。そしてこれらを一体として見るならば、それは社会の全面的な再編成案に相当しているのである。

There are lots of small objects in orbits round the sun close to the Earth's, and astronomers believe that quite a few of them are dormant comets, their dark exteriors baked dry by the sun but their hearts still cold and icy. (Newsweek 1998)

"Is it--is it all settled?" she says. "Yes," "Is it ?" Is it all settled?" I can almost hear her breathing, waiting for me to answer. "I prayed to God that--" "It's all settled, Mama," I say, to cut her short. "We don't need to worry anymore, either one of us." (Joyce Carol Oates, "Silkie")
「それで、――それでちゃんときまった?」と母はいう。  「うん」   「そう? ちゃんときまったのね?」 私が答えるのを待つ母の、ほとんど息遣いが聞こえそうである。「お祈りしてたのよ。神様どうぞ、――」   「全部きまったよ。ママ」 私は言う。母をさえぎるために。「もう心配しなくていいからね。ママも私も」

My upbringing in the United States was one of male-female integration. Except for the laboratories, men and women just weren't separated.
(Daily Yomiuri 1996)

The dream follows magically, as dreams do. Says coach Don Laws: "For a girl, it's very often the vision of Dorothy Hamill. Her Olympic year was 1976, but they still idolize her. All the young ones see themselves going to the Olympics." (Time 1994)
この夢は魔法にかかっているようにしてなお後を引く。およそ夢であるものが皆そうであるように。コ−チ の D. ロ−ズ氏はいう。「女の子の場合、非常にしばしばドロシ−・ハミルをイメ−ジしています。彼女のオリンピックの年度は 1976 年でしたが、今でも彼女は少女たちのアイドルになっています。子供たちは皆が皆、自分自身がオリンピックに出る、という場面を思い描いているのです」

One recoils from the accounts of bayonet practice on live Chinese, the mutilation and the rape of helpless civilians. And this went on for weeks and weeks. (Times Literary Supplement 1997)

While Karl Lagerfield, Calvin Klein and others slave to build monster corporations that dress the world, Smith quietly runs his one-man frock shop with the calm, jovial air of someone who simply likes to make clothes.
(Newsweek 1998)

Once a week, on Tuesdays, she wrote a letter to her husband--a nice, chatty letter--full of news and gossip, which always ended with the words 'Now be sure to take your meals regularly, dear, although this is something I'm afraid you may not be doing when I'm not with you."
(Roald Dahl, "The Way up to Heaven")

Those of us unlucky enough to remember the late 1960s and early 1970s--before Monica Lewinsky was born--recall the radical-feminist critique of sex as purely a matter of power and exploitation. Under some circumstances the critique seems not so radical. It explains why, for example, professors are enjoined from dating their students.
(Time 1998)
不幸なことながら 1960 年代の後半と 70 年代の前半――M. ルインスキ−嬢が生まれるよりも前だが――を記憶しているわれわれは、セックスというものを純粋に権力の問題、権力による搾取の問題として見ていたラディカルなフェミニズム批評を思い出すのである。そして或る環境のもとにさえ置かれるならば、この批評はさほど過激なものであるようには見えない。たとえばこれによるならば、教授は何ゆえに教え子とデ−トをしてはならないか、の説明がつくのである。

A sparkly Tara Lipinski ("Occupation: Pupil") and an obviously disappointed Michelle Kwan ("Hobby: Corresponding with pen pals") claimed gold and silver in figure skating, and joining them on the medal stand, in her last Olympics, was a radiant Lu Chen from China. (T 98-3-2, 48)

If a memorial were to stand "where it belongs -- namely in Berlin or at Dachau," an article in the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper declared, "then we Germans would be further along in dealing with the Holocaust." (Japan Times 1993)

Even Popper's own followers regard his three worlds as cranky. The discussion in this volume betrays some of the effects of his intellectual isolation. He does not seem to understand the workings of alternative views, and the arguments he gives in favour of the three-world system could be countered by any well-trained philosophy undergraduate. (Times Literary Supplement 1995)
ポパ−その人の追従者たちすらが、彼の示した 3 種の世界なるものは奇矯である、と見ている。そしてこの書物に示される議論は、そこにいくつかの彼の知的孤立性の影を露呈している。ポパ−が理解していないように見えるのは、自分のものではない見解にそなわっている有為性、といったことである。そして 3 種の世界なるシステムを唱道するために彼が提示している弁論は、よく教育を受けた哲学の学部学生であるなら、誰でもがこれに反駁することが出来るのではないだろうか。

The undertakers, whom his father must have phoned from Uncle Andy's house, had arrived from Corinth. Then he heard everybody come back and heard the car turn around and leave. 'Arnold!' It was his father calling from the yard. He climbed down the ladder and went out into the sun, picking wisps of hay from his overalls. (Gina Berriault, "The Stone Boy")
 父親がアンディ叔父の家から電話をかけたものとみえて、コリンスの町から葬式屋の一行がやってきた。それから一家の皆々が戻ってくるのが聞こえ、車がタ−ンして立ち去って行くのが聞こえた。  「ア−ノルド!」 庭の方で父親が呼んでいる声だ。  彼は梯子を降りた。そして日の当たるところに出ると、ズボンから干し草のわらを取り除いた。

Last Friday night, I stood with my 6-year-old granddaughter in a seventh-floor room of the Omni Hotel, looking across the street into the Centennial Olympic Park. It was a modern day Breugel painting come to life, teeming with people enjoying themselves in a glorious riot of color and motion. (Japan Times 1996)
去る金曜日の夜、私は 6 才になる孫娘と一緒にオムニ=ホテルの 7 階の一室に立って、通りの向こう側にある百年記念オリンピックパ−クを見下ろしていた。そこは色彩と流動とが壮麗に乱舞する中で楽しい時をすごしている人々で一杯で、それはちょうど、ブリュ−ゲルの絵画が生命を帯びて現代に甦っている姿、と言えるのであった。

While sexual harassment and rape are problems all over India, they are especially rampant in Delhi and the northern states surrounding it. The numbers are on the rise; in 1991, 194 rapes were reported in the capital, compared to 100 in 1988. (Newsweek 1992)
セクハラやレイプはインドの全域での問題であるが、これらのことはデリ−市や同市周辺の北部諸州でとりわけ著しい。しかもその数は増加しつつある。1991 年にはデリ−市で 194 件のレイプが報告されているが、これにたいして 1988 年度のそれは 100 件であった。

Then, with the instinct of politeness which seldom failed him, he turned to the Doctor and said slyly, 'I was just tellin' her not to ask you no questions about Mrs Marshall till you eat some breakfast. My wife, she's terrible fur to ask questions.' (Willa Cather, "Neighbor Rosicky")

When had he had the mat last? he could not recollect, but he rather fancied he had put it away in the corner under the potting shelf. Stooping down, he felt about in the dark among the flower-pots. Yes, there it was, but there was a tin of something in the way. (Dorothy L. Sayers, "Suspicion")

After some frenzied calculation, theorists were relieved to learn that a gas giant can persist fairly close to a parent star without its vast atmosphere being blown off into space. How such a planet finds itself in such an unusual position to begin with is a more difficult question. (Japan Times 1996)

It was flattering to have the ma杯re d' linger and advise. Manny Patel ended up ordering one each of the curries listed under beef, lamb and fowl. (Bharati Mukherjee, "Nostalgia")

... I spent the next few days cynically looking for paper and lucked into a medium pile of Collier's from somebody's basement, which was enough to get my corporal's stripes that immediately joined my private's stripe under the socks. The kids who wore the best clothes and had a lot of spending money and got to eat hot lunch every day were already generals. They had known where there were a lot of magazines and their parents had cars. (Richard Brautigan, "Corporal")
 僕はそれから二三日の間、複雑な気持になりながら古紙を捜し回って過ごした。すると運よく、ある人の家の地下室にあった『コリア−ズ』の中くらいの大きさの束に行き当たった。この束は僕が「伍長」の袖章を手にいれるのに相当していた。そしてその袖章を僕はすぐさま、ソックスの下にある僕の「兵卒」の袖章のとなりに置いた。  最上級の服を着ていて、小遣いをたくさん持っていて、毎日温かいランチを食べられる子たちは、その時分にはもう「大将」になっていた。その子たちはどこに行けば山ほどの雑誌があるのかを知っていた。それにまた、親たちが車を持っていたのだ。

It is not surprising that the Princess of Wales was breathing on arrival at the hospital, since, as your report says, she was intubated and attached to a respirator at the accident scene. Given the extent of the injuries, however, her death was inevitable. Stories about what might have happened only cause further pain for the families and friends of those involved. (Newsweek 1998)

Rebecca's gift, Richard realized, was not that of having odd things happen to her but that of representing, through the implicit contrast with her own sane calm, all things touching her as odd. (John Updike, "Snowing in Greenwich Village")

Donovan Bailey of Canada won the Olympic 100 meters title in a world record 9.84 seconds in a truly dramatic final on Saturday. ... Eight years after the Seoul Olympics, Bailey's success eased Canadian conscience at having Ben Johnson disqualified and banned after failing a drugs test. (Japan Times 1996)
土曜日のまことに劇的な決勝レ−スにおいて、カナダのドノバン・ベイリ−は 9.84 秒の世界新記録をもってオリンピック百米の覇者となった。... ソウル=オリンピックより 8 年を経た今日、ベイリ−の勝利はカナダの国民にと って、ベン・ジョンソンを薬物テスト不合格により失格、追放とされたことによる疚しい思いを和らげてくれるものとなった。

As Smith demonstrates persuasively, "the language of political and religious controversy lends itself to literary analysis"; it need not, in other words, be treated in a purely history-of-ideas fashion. Consequently, he shows how the literary historian can analyse political forms of writing which are often regarded as "non-literary". (Times Literary Supplement 1995)

Budd's solutions to these problems (and others) are often original and compelling, and always acute. His treatment of formalism is especially good. A bibliography would make a useful addition to the book. The absence of an index did not bother me. (Times Literary Supplement 1996)

"My mother and father," Mrs. Shaw said halfway through the meal, pointing at him with her fork and speaking with deliberateness of the drunk, "convinced me that people are not meant to live together for long periods of time. (Akhil Sharma, "Cosmopolitan")
「私の両親はね」 食事の半ばほどのところでショ−夫人はフォ−クを彼の方に向けながら、酒気を帯びている人の悠然とした口振りで言った。「人間同志って、もともとそんなに長い期間一緒に暮らすようには出来ていない、ってこと、覚えさせてくれましたのよ」 

However, there is one very positive result of Grammar Translation, which merits its continued use in the classroom for the next million or so years. It provides endless entertainment for native English speakers. (Japan Times 1997)

It has long been known that the Communist Party of the United States of America had been paid for by the Soviet Union. But acknowledgement of even this truth has been hard to come by. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

The American left has an unexamined past. Like the French conservatives, who went into deep denial about their collaboration with the Nazis a half century ago, American leftists and some of their liberal allies have refused to sort out their own intimate connections with Marxist-Leninism in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. In a footnote on page 725 of "Witness," his 1952 classic of American confessional literature, Whittaker Chambers explained how this came to pass. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)
アメリカの 左翼にはいまだ検証をうけていない過去がある。半世紀前のナチスとの協力関係をめぐって断固たる拒絶の淵に逃げ込んだフランスの保守主義者たちと同じように、アメリカの左翼やそれと手をくんだリベラル派の一部の人々は、1930, 40, 50 年代におけるみずからのマルクス=レ−ニン主義との親密な関係にけじめをつけることを拒んできた。そして W. チェンバ−ズ氏はその『証言』(1952年)――アメリカにおける告白記録文献の古典――の 725 頁脚注において、こうしたことがはたしてどのようにして現実となったか、を説明している。

Then one night Gopal was awakened at a little after three by a car pulling out of Mrs. Shaw's driveway. It is just a friend, he thought, standing by his bedroom window and watching the Toyata move down the road. (Akhil Sharma, "Cosmopolitan")

A new tilt toward the positive evaluation of markets emerged in the 1970s and 80s. This was based, not on any comparison between institutional structures, but on a rigorous extension and application of the central postulate of rational- choice behaviour. Somewhat loosely put, this "new classical" theory states that "markets do not fail", quite independently of how any off-setting politicized correction might be evaluated. (Times Literary Supplement 1996)
市場を積極的に評価する新たな傾向が 1970 年代、80 年代に見られはじめた。これはいかなる制度的構造間の相互比較にも依存することがないもので、むしろ「合理的選好行動」という中心的公準の忠実な拡張と適用に立脚をするものなのである。いくぶん大ざっぱに言うならこの「新古典派」の理論は、およそいかなる市場逆行的、政治的な矯正措置がいかに評価を受けようと、それと無関係に、「市場に失敗はない」旨を唱えるのである。

In the middle of the table the artichokes fumed on their platter. Amy reached out and touched one but it was too hot to eat. (Jeff Eugenides, "Capricious Gardens")
テ−ブルの中央では大皿にのせた朝鮮アザミが湯気をたてていた。アミ−が手を伸ばしてその一つに触ってみたが、それはまだ食べるの には熱すぎた。

Irabu admits to being 7 or 8 kg overweight, and if he loses that in the next month, he will get himself down to Maru-chan's weight. Whether he will be able to produce like Maru-chan, and be loved like Maru-chan, remains to be seen. (Japan Times 1997)
伊良部は 7、8 キロほどはウエイトが多すぎることを認めている。そしてもしも彼が来月になってその分の減量を行なうと、彼はちょうどマルちゃん(マルティネス)と同じ体重になる筈である。その彼がマルちゃんと同じように働き、同じように愛されることが出来るかどうか、それは現在のところではまだわからない。

While Nigerian opposition groups have criticized the U.N. report as "soft" on the Nigerian government, the assessment represents one of the few, if not the only, independent evaluations of Nigeria's performance over the past year. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

There are, for instance, no experimental or surprising stories here. The choice is safe and very middle-class. Katherine Mansfield's sensitive pimp and Edna O'Brien's yearning girl from the hills, the only characters whose stories give us a taste of the outsider's life, are far from exploring the lower depths of society or psyche. That said, the forty stories chosen are as well written and serious as one could desire. (Times Literary Supplement 1994)
ここにはたとえば実験的な小説はないし、驚くに値するような小説もない。選択は安全であって、はなはだ中流主義的である。キャサリン・マンスフィ−ルドの描く神経質な女衒の男も、あるいはエドナ・オブライエンの描く望みの高い山村出身の若い女も――スト−リ−を読んでわれわれが自分の知らない世界の住人の人生を味わうことができる、といえるのはこれらの人物くらいのものなのだが――、社会の深層を探る、あるいは精神の深淵を探る、といった様子からはほど遠いのである。ただし以上の事実こそありはすれ、選ばれている 40 編の小説は読者の最大の期待に応えうるだけの出来栄えであるし、さらにそれだけの真剣味をそなえてもいる。

Her coach's mother takes her to church and teaches her Christian traditions forgotten during the Soviet era. Oksana's new sense of stability shows in her skating and the laughter that bubbles up when she is asked to describe herself: "A girl who can't sit still." (Time 1994)

She wasn't hitchhiking, but was wearing a backpack; she was a pretty traveler with unwashed hair, and he suspected his offer of a spare room would surpass the ditch or clammy Bed and Breakfast she would find to stay in that night.
(Jeff Eugenides, "Capricious Gardens")

All the books have nursery-rhyme or fairy-tale titles and themes. The 10th, Mary, Mary (Warner, 372 pages; $19.95), concerns a retired teacher turned avid gardener whose yard contains pretty maids all in a row--three young girls in shallow graves.
(Time 1993)
これらの本は、すべてわらべ歌風か、あるいはおとぎ話風のタイトルとテ−マをもっている。第10位、『メリ−さん、メリ−さん』(ウォ−ナ−社、372 頁、19.95ドル)は、退職をした学校の先生で現在は熱心な園芸家である人のお話。この人のお庭には、可愛らしいお手伝さんたちがずらり一列に並んでいる。浅く掘られたお墓のなかの、3人のうら若き乙女たちだ。

I spent the rest of the day getting ready for the Stockgrowers' Ball. All I'd brought with me was some of Homer's camouflage and blue jeans, so I wound up borrowing a skirt that David's ex-wife had left behind, some of the chicken woman's dress shoes that looked ridiculous and made my feet huge, and a vest that David's grandfather had been shot at in by the Plains Indians.
(Pam Houston, "Cowboys Are My Weakness")
私はその日のそれ以後の時間を 「牛飼いのダンスの集い」に出る準備をして過ごした。私が持参していたのはホ−マ−氏の迷彩色と青色のジ−ンズが数点、ただそれだけだった。それで結局私は、デ−ビッドの前の奥さんが置いていったというスカ−トと、養鶏業の女性のはく正装用のシュ−ズ――こっけいで足を大きく見えさせる――を二三足と、デ−ビッドの爺さんがそれを着ていて平原インディアンに狙撃された、というチョッキと、これだけのものを借用することになった。

When the woman who had been my first wife met the woman who was to be (for a while) my second wife, she asked her if I still ate with my fingers. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

To make some headway, it is essential to engage the issue at the level of practicality. Principle, if it is to be effective, must be shown to have some real-life consequences. The question of physician-assisted suicide must be confronted in practice. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

As Werth well knows, a thousand lawyers couldn't make the Sabinas' world right again. Their story began in tragedy. Can you think of a happy ending? (Newsweek 1998)

I myself hold the heretical opinion that the U.S. might have been better off had Madison, Hamilton, and Jay lost their argument. By winning, they assured that the U.S., in reaching its late 20th-century proportions and riches, is larger, more powerful, and more monolithic in its thinking than is perhaps good for it. (Japan Times 1996)
これは異端者的な意見になるが、かりにマディソン、ハミルトン、ジェイらの主張が敗北に終わっていたならは、アメリカにとってはその方が幸いであったかもしれない、と私自身は考えている。彼らの勝利によって、次のことが約束されることとなったのだ。すなわち、やがてアメリカはその 20 世紀後半のスケ−ルと富とを獲得するに及んで、どうやら適切である程度をこえて大国、強国、思想的一枚岩の国になっている、とのことが。

I well remember such a conversation with the old master; his enthusiasm for life had been regenerated when he fell in love with his secretary, who was half his age and who returned that love. It occurs to me for the first time that it may well be that my mentor's T-cell performance improved as a result of his new-found happiness. (Times Literary Supplement 1995)
私はこの年老いた師匠と交わしたこのような会話をよく記憶している。老師はご自身の秘書と恋に落ちられ――秘書は老師の半分ほどの年令であったがその恋に酬いた――、このときご自身には人生にたいする熱情が甦ったのであった、と。今はじめて思い当たるのであるが、これはおそらく、老師の T 細胞があらたに見いだされた幸福のおかげでその機能を向上させていた、ということであろうと思われる。

At length his quest roved into the country, and he held brief disappointing conversations with emphatic butlers and maids. So-and-so was out, riding, swimming, playing gold, sailed to Europe last week. Who shall I say phoned? (F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Rich Boy")

When Claudine came to Japan, she was aware that she had mild bronchial asthma. She had prepared her husband for what to do should she have an attack. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

'You're speaking to me as though you were in charge of me, while I don't even know you. I'm amazed you should impose your presence on a house in the absence of its owner.' (Naguib Mahfouz, "Blessed Night")

I first met Meg in May 1972 when she was deputy editor of The Washington Post's editorial page--she would become editor of that page in 1979--and I was a 30-year old staffer for a U.S. senator. (Newsweek 1999)
私がはじめてメグ女史にお会いしたのは 1972 年 5 月のことで、そのとき女史は『ワシントンポスト』の社説頁副主幹をなさっておられた(やがて女史は 1979 年に同頁の主幹になられる)。そして私は 30 才で、ある上院議員事務所の職員をしていた。

... He had an idyllic view of his life up until his mother died, and that was what he clung to as normalcy amidst all the madness of the Beatles."// Paul and Linda raised their son, James, now 20, and their three daughters, Stella, 26, Mary, 28, and Heather, 34, to be as grounded as any children of theirs could be. (Newsweek)
「... お袋さんが亡くなられるまでは、彼は自分の私生活について牧歌的な考え方をもっていました。そして彼がビ−トルズのあのひどい気違い沙汰の真っ只中で、正常であるものとして決して手放さなかったのもこの考え方なのでした」 // ポ−ルとリンダは息子のジェイムズ(本年20)と3人の娘、ステラ(26)、メアリ−(28)、ヒ−サ−(34)を育て上げた。そして子供たちはいずれも、彼らの子供としてこれ以上は望むべくもないほどの堅実な人物になった。

As I turned the car, I reached for her shoulder and drew her close to me. The lake was where people went when they had no reason to waste time with football games or movies. They went there to be alone, to construct within their cars apartments, palaces, to be solitary and share one another for a few hours. (J. W. Corrington, "Old Men Dream Dreams, Young Men See Visions")

Barcelona, limited by the Mediterranean in front and mountains behind, has the highest population density (16,395 people per sq km) of any city in Europe. (Time 1992)

I have just spent the better part of 15 days watching what has been, without a doubt, the most poorly covered Olympic Games I have witnessed in all my 72 years! (Time 1992)
私は 15 日間の大半をひたすらオリンピック競技を見ながら過ごしたが、これは疑いもなく、私が 72 年の人生を通じて見ることのあった最悪の出来栄えのオリンピック報道に当たるものなのであった。

Braudel can be eloquent, but his work as a whole is hard going, because it is too often clogged with superfluous detail, and he is apt to produce a mass of evidence on either side of a question, without in the end resolving it. (Times Literary Supplement 1997)

All around the colony, men and women followed David Welner's instructions, lying in the shade for naps, swigging plenty of fresh water, eating roughage. (Meg Wolitzer, "Tea at the House")

He threatened to resign, then took it back, then signaled he would stay in office for a transition period. But as a leader of real influence, he was as good as gone. "The main ideas of perestroika" had taken hold, he said. "My life's work has been accomplished." (Newsweek 1991)

The room spun like a merry-go-round; my stuffed animals, suddenly glitter-eyed and sinister, gazed hungrily at me from the mantelpiece. And my bed refused to stay still. It rocked on its moorings, pulled from beneath by some fast, spiraling undertow in the old blue carpet that threatened to break the rope entirely and sweep me whirling bow to stern in helpless circles, out to sea. (Donna Tartt, "Sleepytown")

His nest request was for a device popular "back home" to lull people to sleep when their living environment is noisy. A constant, soothing sound masks the karaoke bar next door or the artificial chirping bird that lets us know when it is safe to cross the street--or whatever our complaint is. Checking logical places like department and appliance stores brought only questioning looks and negative answers. (Japan Times 1997)

After mixed success in charge of Middlesbrough, Sheffield Wednesday and, briefly, Newcastle, he accepted the role of managing Ireland and developed such a high profile that Pope John Paul II referred to him as The Boss. (Japan Times 1996)

That memorable 1966 display of the so-called Leonid meteors was visible across much of the Western U. S. and marked the century's greatest meteor storm to date. Now, after 32 years of relatively modest return visits, the Leonids are poised to stage another celestial spectacular on the nights of Nov. 17 and Nov. 18. (Time 1998)
いわゆるしし座流星群のかの記憶されるべき 1966 年のショ−は合衆国西部のほぼ全域において観測され 、これは今世紀の今日までに記録された最大規模の流星雨、ならぬ流星嵐、となった。そしてこのたび、32 年ほど続けたさほどにぱっとしない再演ののちに、しし座流星群は 11 月 17 日, 18 日の夜、いまひとたびの空の豪華ショ−を繰り広げようとする構えに入っている。

And so we have decided to turn to you for help. We have heard that you have a lot of land which is not being worked. We are asking you to give us a piece of this land.// Also, besides assistance of a purely material kind, we are hoping for your moral assistance, for advice and instructions which would facilitate the successful achievement of our goal. (Times Literary Supplement 1997)
そこで私どもは、貴殿にご協力をお願い申し上げてみては、との結論になりました。貴殿におかれては、只今ご使用になっておられない地所を一面ご所持であられる由、聞き及んでおります。つきましては何卒、そのご地所の中での一区画を私どもにご提供いただけませんでしょうか。// また私どもは、貴殿よりの純然たる物質的性質のご支援とあわせ、さらに精神的な面でのご援助を――私どもの目標の成功裡での達成をご促進いただけるご忠言とご教示を――あわせて頂戴できますならば、と願っております。

"Today is August 4, 2026," said a second voice from the kitchen ceiling, "in the city of Allendale, California." It repeated the date three times for memory's sake. "Today is Mr. Featherstone's birthday. Today is the anniversary of Tilita's marriage. Insurance is payable, as are the water, gas and light bills." (Ray Bradbury, "There Will Come Soft Rains")
「本日は、2026 年 8 月 4 日です」。キッチンの天井からまた別の声が言った。「なおこれは、当市、カリフォルニア州アレンデ−ルでの日付です」 声はその日付を3度繰り返し、記憶を徹底させた。「本日はフェザ−ストンさんの誕生日です。本日はティリタさんの結婚記念日です。保険料の支払い日です。水道、ガス、電気料金も、同じく支払い日です」

I know that I can trust to your honor and honesty, for in a citizen of Hadleyburg these virtues are an unfailing inheritance, and so I am going to reveal to you the remark, well satisfied that if you are not the right man you will seek and find the right one and see that poor Goodson's debt of gratitude for the service referred to is paid. (Mark Twain, "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg")

His continual meditation on the role of his parents in determining his own intellectual trajectory is remarkable, and ranks as one of the most telling investigations of the relationship between parental inspiration and the subsequent work of a brilliant and sensitive child. (Times Literary Supplement 1997)

The colony grew out of a 1990 decision by 15 Russian architects and designers to move their cooperative from the then-Soviet republic of Tajikistan in Central Asia after civil strife broke out. They wanted to build anew in Russia. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)
この コロニ−は 1990 年、15 人のロシア人建築家、設計家が彼らの協同組合組織を中央アジア、当時のソ連のタジキスタン共和国――すでにそこでは市民の暴動が勃発していた――から移転させることを決めたことに端を発している。彼らはロシアの地において新たなる建設を望んだのである。

They became a tight band of wayfarers bound by the enormity of what happened to them. Their horror of whites was convulsive but abstract. They saved the clarity of their hatred for the men who had insulted them in ways too confounding for language: first by excluding them, then by offering them staples to exist in that very exclusion. (Time 1998)

"The Buried Alive" is unusual among the stories in Tales of Terror from "Blackwood's Magazine" in having a sting in the tail. At this early stage, the level of narrative sophistication is still primitive. Most effective are one-note studies in claustrophobia such as William Maginn's "The Man in the Bell" (a distant ancestor of Dorothy L. Sayers's The Nine Tailors), William Mudford's "The Iron Shroud" (a prison cell compresses like a vice on its occupant, an idea which furnished Poe with a whole crop of stories), .... (Times Literary Supplement 1995)
「生きたままの埋葬」は、最後にどんでん返しがある点が『ブラックウッド・マガジン』の恐怖譚としては異例のものである。このような初期の段階にあっては、物語の巧緻巧妙のレベルはいまだその第一歩の状態なのである。もっとも効果に優れているものは一本調子に閉所恐怖を取り扱っている小品だ。たとえば、W. マギンの「鐘の中の男」(ドロシィ・L. セイヤ−ズの『九人の仕立屋』の遠い祖先にあたる)。および、W. マドフォ−ドの「鉄の経帷子」(監獄の独房が中の人間を万力のように締めつける。つまり、ポ−に盛り沢山の小説群を収穫させることとなったアイディアだ)... 。

Life at the convent became tinged with unreality, a misty distortion that took its tone from the glowering skies of the city at night, identical smokestacks ranged against the clouds and giving to the sky the excrement of the populated and successful earth. This city was not her city, this world was not her world. She felt no pride in knowing this, it was a fact. (Joyce Carol Oates, "In the Region of Ice")

In your people section feature, "Di-Ploitation Watch" [Dec. 15], you reported that Harrods is selling a Princess Diana Wedding Doll. This is true: we have been selling it since 1981 as part of a series of Royal Dolls featuring historic figures such as Henry [. But Harrods has not sold one of the products that have appeared since the tragic death of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed and their chauffeur. (Time 1998)
貴誌は「ピ−プル」欄の特集「ダイアナ妃便乗ウオッチング」(12 月 15 日号)で、ハロッズ社がダイアナ妃のウエディング人形を販売している、と報じられました。これは事実です。われわれハロッズは 1981 年以来、ヘンリ−八世をはじめとする歴史上の人物をおさめた王室人形シリ−ズの一環としてこれを販売してきました。けれどもハロッズは、ダイアナ妃、ドディ・フェイド、そしてお二人の運転手のあの悲劇の死よりも後になって仕上がった製品を、ただの一点たりと販路に出した事実はないのであります。

The daughter of a Grantham shopkeeper, she studied on scholarship, worked her way to Oxford and took two degrees, in chemistry and law. Her fascination with politics led her into Parliament at age 34, when she argued her way into one of the best Tory seats in the country, Finchley in north London. (Time, 1998)
グランサムの町の商店主の一人娘であった彼女は奨学金を得ながら学び、努力の甲斐あってオクスフォ−ド大学に入学し、化学と法学の 2つの学位をとった。そして政治に魅力を感じていた彼女は、やがて 34 才のときに国会議員になった。このとき彼女はその弁舌の力によって、保守党にとって国内での最良の議席の一つ、北ロンドンのフィンチリ−選挙区のそれを勝ちとったのだった。

Carla led me back to the living room and motioned me toward one of those big foam couches that you can pick up and carry under one arm. Across from it were a couple of candy-colored director's chairs that sprang like Easter flowers out of the thick green rug. (Kathryn Chetkovich, "Appetites")

There was a dirt road that Raglan almost missed, hardly more than twin tracks with a strip of yellow dandelions between them. It led away toward more low hills, through fields of tall grass and wild mustard flowers. (Jess Mowry, "Crusader Rabbit")

Safwan hurried along behind him and continued running without stopping, and without the least feeling of weakness. (Naguib Mahfouz, "Blessed Night", 6 : 334)

Is there any good here? Well, yes. The broad commitment to a balanced budget marks a shift from the mushier concept of "deficit reduction." If deficits unexpectedly widen, this might induce Congress to restrain them. // As important, the Senate dealt with some issues of an aging society by slowly raising the eligibility age for Medicare to 67 and requiring that wealthier Medicare recipients pay higher premiums. (Japan Times 1997)
ここに何か、プラスの面はあるのだろうか。しかり、答えはイエスである。すなわち、予算の均衡化にたいする多方面からの取り組みは、「赤字の削減を」といった生ぬるい考え方からの離脱を表わしている。そしてもしも赤字幅が予想を超えて拡大するならば、それは議会による赤字抑制の動きにつながることが考えられるのである。// またこれに劣らず重要なこととして、上院はすでに老齢者医療保険の受給資格年齢を徐々に 67 歳まで引き上げる、さらに富裕な層の同保険受益者にはより高率の保険料の支払いを義務づける、といった形で、高齢化社会の問題への部分的対応を実行している。

What's remarkable, in retrospect, is not that Hideki Harada worked himself to death but that he somehow managed to die at home. Like millions of other hard working Japanese salarymen, Harada was barely ever there. (Newsweek 1991)

I am not publicly flamboyant, that is perfectly true. I think flamboyance is often best kept for private occasions, with people you know extremely well. (Newsweek 1991)

Though the Sultans kept theoretical power over the Harem, by the end of the sixteenth century these women effectively dominated the Sultans.' (Graham Swift, "Seraglio")
君主たちは理念上では王宮における支配力をもちつづけたものの、16 世紀末までには事実上、これらの女性たちが君主を支配するようになっていた。

U.S. relations with Beijing are strong enough that Clinton can try to enlist China's help in pursuing Pol Pot, a former ally whom it has long tried to shield from prosecution. (Newsweek 1998)

In March, even as the chickens were dying, a molecular pathologist at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger, startled the flu research community with a paper in the prestigious journal Science in which his team claimed to have at least partly penetrated the fog surrounding the 1918 pandemic. (Time 1998)
3 月、チキンたちが処分に付されつつあったまさにそのさなか、ワシントンにある米軍病理学研究所の分子病理学者 J. ト−ベンバ−ガ−博士が、権威ある学会誌『サイエンス』の中の一論文によってインフルエンザ研究者の間に衝撃を投げかけた。論文において博士の研究チ−ムは、1918 年に全世界を襲ったインフルエンザが包まれてきた謎につたいして少なくとも部分的な解明を見いだした、と

I tried to explain all this to Jane. Evidently I got it across all right, because she said straight away, We'd better stay here tonight, then. If we can, I said, meaning if there was a room. Well, there was, and at the front of the house too, which was important, because in the book that's the side the monster appears on. (Kingsley Amis, "Who or What was It?")

The difficult question is how far Morris's radical attitude to sex and marriage was a selfdefensive reaction to a marriage that was, sexually, far from a success. (TLS 96-5-31) 難しいのは次の問題だ.すなわち性や結婚についてのモリスの急進主義的な態度は,いかなる程度にまで彼自身の結婚――性的な面からみるととても成功とはいえない――をめぐっての自己防衛の反応であったのだろうか.

Maria had never had a friend like Amy before. She had never felt that someone understood her so well. Her life thus far had been like living in a town of mutes, where no one spoke to her but only stared. (Jeff Eugenides, "Capricious Gardens")

For many years informed Italians thought that the Japanese had wisely channeled into modernization and economic growth the energies previously directed toward territorial expansion, military power and political hegemony.// But they felt that Japan would sooner or later resume a central role in world politics. The questions were only "when" and "how." Hopefully Japan would not tread again the path of military conquest. But it was bound -- so they felt -- to become again a world power. (Japan Times 1996)
長年にわたってイタリアの有識者層は、日本の国民はかっては領土拡張、軍備、外交的主導権の方面に向けられていたエネルギ−を賢明にも近代化と経済成長の目的に投入した、と考えていた。// しかしそうした彼らも、日本は遅かれ早かれ世界政治の舞台での中心的な役割を取り戻すであろう、と感じた。問題はたんに「いつ」、「どのように」、である、と。日本がまたしても軍事的制覇の路線を歩むようにならないことが望まれたのだった。とはいえやはり、日本がふたたび世界の強国の一つになることは間違いがない、と彼らは感じたのである。

So why doesn't Nagoya find a 21st-century solution to its garbage problems, rather than an 18th-century one? Probably because linear trains and flashy expos make more glamorous PR than wetland preservation. Also, apparently when you're in third place trying to muscle in on Tokyo and Osaka, the safest way to compete is to follow the leaders. (Japan Times 1997)
それでは名古屋市はそのゴミ処理問題に、何故に 18 世紀風の解決を求めて 21 世紀の解決を求めないのだろうか。おそらくリニア高速列車や派手なエキスポの方が、湿原を保存しつづけることよりは魅力ある PR になるからである。それにどうやら、東京と大阪に力ずくで迫ろうとしている第三番手の都市としては、競争をいどむ一番確実な方法は一番二番と同じ道を行くことであるらしいのだ。

I went a whole semester to LSU. Worked overtime at a sawmill for a year to afford the tuition and showed up in my work boots to be taught English 101 by a black guy from Pakistan who couldn't understand one word we said, much less us him. (Tim Gautreaux, "Wedding with Children")
私は一学期間を通してルイジアナ州立大に通った。木工所で一年の間超過勤務をして授業料の準備をし、作業用のブ−ツをはいて登校し、パキスタン出身の色の黒い男性に「英語学 101」を習った。ところがこの人はわれわれの言うことは一言も理解できなかったし、ましてわれわれの方も、彼の言うことは何一つ理解できないのだった。

For a start, no less a personage than Aleksandr Yakovlev, the godfather of perestroika, recently declared that the "chief reason" for the Soviet disaster was Marxism's "obsession with class struggle - and class struggle in its crude physical form [to achieve] the final reorganization of the world". (Times Literary Supplement 1997)

When the history of twentieth-century publishing is written in the coming millennium, the mid-1990s will go down as one of the more exciting chapters: the end of the Net Book Agreement, Joan Collins's victory for authors everywhere over that vexed bibliographical question: what constitutes a complete manuscript?, and the extension of copyright from fifty to seventy years. (Times Literary Supplement 1996)
来る 21 世紀以後になって 20 世紀の出版史が著わされるときは、1990 年代中葉はその中で劇的な部類に属する章の一つとして描かれることであろう。すなわち、書籍再販協定の廃止。そしてあの厄介な参考書目の問題――何がはたして原稿の総体に相当するか?――をめぐってすべての著述家への朗報となった、ジョ−ン・コリンズの勝利。そして、著作権保護期間の 50 年から 70 年への延長――。

Southern California enjoys a Mediterranean climate with clearly defined wet and dry seasons. Rain and snow fall almost exclusively during the winter months. ... However, the winter rains are most unpredictable and several years may pass with little or even no precipitation. (Daily yomiuri 1996)
南カリフォルニアは明瞭に区分けのできる雨期と乾期とをもった地中海性気候に恵まれている。雨や雪はほぼ例外なしに冬の数ケ月間に降る。... ところがこの冬期の雨というものは予測をすることがきわめて困難なのであって、降水量がほとんど無い―― または皆無ですらある――ままに数ケ年が過ぎることも無いとはいえないのである。

And if science has not yet influenced religious thought and practice at the grass-roots level very much, just wait, says Ted Peters of CTNS. Much as feminism sneaked up on churches and is now shaping the liturgy, he predicts, "in 10 years science will be a major factor in how many ordinary religious people think. (Newsweek 1998)
そしてかりに科学がいまのところ宗教的な思考や実践にたいして草の根レベルでさほど大きな影響力をもちえていないのであるにしても、とにかくも時を待つことなのである、と CTNS(神学自然科学センタ−)の T. ピ−タ−ス氏はいう。フェミニズム運動がいつのまにか教会に侵入し、いまやそこでの礼拝の行ない方を取り決めるまでになっているのとほぼ同じように、と彼は予言する。「今から 10 年もすれば、科学は多くのごく普通の宗教的な人々のものの考え方を決める、一つの大きなファクタ−になっていることでしょう。

The RSPCA's demands on slaughtering techniques aren't nearly so controversial. It asks that EC member countries strictly enforce existing rules, which call, for example, for animals to be knocked unconscious with electric shocks before they are stuck with a knife and bled to death. (Newsweek 1991)
屠殺の技法をめぐって RSPCA(英国王立動物虐待防止協会)が行なった要請は、およそそのような賛否の議論を呼ぶ性質のものではない。協会はたんに E C 加盟国が現存の諸規則を厳格に履行することを求めているのであって、その規則とはたとえば、動物を刃物で刺して出血死させる前には電気的ショックを施して無意識の状態にしておくことを求める、といったことなのである。

The band played till two and we danced till three to the jukebox. Then there was nothing left to do but get in the car and begin the two-hour drive home. First we talked about our horses. It was the logical choice, the only thing we really had in common, but it only lasted twenty minutes. (Pam Houston, ("Cowboys Are My Weakness")
バンドの演奏は 2 時までだった。それで私たちはジュ−クボックスに合わせて 3 時まで踊った。そしてそのあとは、車に乗って家まで 2 時間のドライブを開始する以外、することは何もないのだった。  最初二人は、おたがいの持ち馬のことを話した。これは自然な選択だった。実際に二人に共通していることといえばただこれだけだったのだから。しかしこの話題はわずかに 20 分間しか続かなかった。

They grieve not only for the loss of a building, an entertainment center, a store-house of culture and memories. They hurt also from the realization that decay in Venice is so advanced--that the city of palaces and gondolas may already be dead, only no one wants to admit it. (DailY Yomiuri 1996)

Researchers since then have discovered much the same phenomenon: that women and young girls simply use different weapons on their enemies, most commonly preferring to banish or spread vicious rumors about those they mean to punish. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

Leonard Michaels's last book, "The Men's Club," appeared nine years ago. Calling itself a novel, it's in fact a collection of short, thematically related stories. "Shuffle" avoids any kind of label, and may be the better for it. (Newsweek 1990)
レオナ−ド・マイケルズの前著『メンズ・クラブ』が世に出たのは 9 年ほど前のことだった。長編小説と銘打ってはいるものの、実はそれは主題的につながりをもった短篇小説の集成である。(このたびの)『シャッフル』はいかなる種類のレッテルを貼ることも避けている。そしてすなわちそうである分だけよい、と言えるのかもしれない。

In fact, though, the last Olympiad of the millennium opened out into a new post-national order in which an athlete named Kyoko skated for the U.S. and a Dusty tended goal for Japan (while Sweden's Ulf Samuelsson was forced off his hockey team, when it was found he carried a U.S. passport too, and so was no longer technically Swedish). (Time 1998)
けれどもまことにこの千年紀の最後のオリンピックは、脱国家的な新しい秩序に向けて幕を開いたものであった。ここではキョ−コという名前の選手がアメリカ代表としてスケ−ト競技に出場し、さらにダスティなる人物が日本チ−ムのゴ−ルキ−パ−をつとめた。(ただし一方で、スウェ−デンの U. サミュエルソンがアメリカの旅券をも同時に所持していたことが判明し、このため規定上もはやスウェ−デン選手ではないことになってアイスホッケ−のチ−ムから除籍される、といったこともあったが。)

In recent years GM, as well as Ford and Chrysler, has significantly improved its car's quality and looks with such models as the new Cadillac Seville. But then, so have the Japanese, and GM has found that winning back consumers' hearts and minds isn't so easy.
(Newsweek 1992)
ここ数年 GM 社は――これはフォ−ド社やクライスラ−社においても同じだが――新しいキャデラック=セビ−ルのようなモデルを登場させて、自社製品の品質と外観を著しく向上させてきた。とはいえそもそも、日本の各社もまたこれと同じことを行なってきたのだ。そして GM 社は、消費者のハ−トと判断力をこちらに取り戻すのはさほどに容易ではない、と思い知らされたのである。

For now, to rival Hollywood in making money from movies seems like a long shot. Then again, no one took the Japanese seriously when they started making cars.
(Newsweek 1992)

"Is this the cover shot?", asks the girl, whose name is Alice. Each time she's in a shot she asks this question. "Where were you two months ago?" the stylist says. "What do you mean?" Alice's face is diamond-shaped. Her eyes are filled with gold. "I mean where were you two months ago?" Bernadette asks again. "I was home. They hadn't found me yet." "Home is where?" "Rockford, Illinois." "Cover shot or not," Bernadette tells the girl. "it seems to me you aren't doing too badly." (Jennifer Egan, "The Stylist")
「これ、表紙に出るんですか?」 少女は尋ねる。この子の名はアリス。この子は撮影に入るときにいつもこの質問をしている。 「2ヵ月前は貴女、どちらにいたの?」 スタイリストが聞く。  「それ、どういう意味ですか?」 アリスの顔はダイヤモンドのような菱形。目はきらきらとして金のようだ。 「2ヵ月前はどちらにいたの、って意味」 バ−ナデットはもういちど言う。 「家に。まだスカウトされてなかったから」  「家はどこ?」 「ロックフォ−ド、イリノイの」  「表紙に出るかどうかはまた別」 バ−ナデットは少女にいう。「でも貴女って人、ぜったい有望。そう思いますけどね」

These plants cut back on expenses during times of drought. They drop their leaves, and eventually many of their branches as well, reducing themselves to a simple trunk and root system, the absolute bare necessities for survival. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

Life in the Mesozoic, 240 million to 65 million years ago, was no picnic, however, what with the meteorites slamming into your backyard every few million years. Yet for dinosaurs, the cataclysms seem to have been what opened the evolutionary door for dinosaurs. (Newsweek 1991)
しかし中世代(2 億 4000 万年前から 6500 万年前まで)に生きているということは、とてもピクニック気分のことなのではなかった。たとえば数百万年ごとに一度、身辺を隕石群が直撃していたのである。ところが恐竜たちにとっては、そうした天変地異は彼らのために進化の扉を開いてくれるものとなっていたようである。

Alarmed at that prospect, the two offending nations have since announced still more steps to curb the tiger-part trade, but they have yet to satisfy their critics. (Time 1994)

These are varying disciplines, to be sure, but if they are describing the same reality, they should converge, and the result will be a synthesis. If all they can do is diverge, it is proof of what we have already come to suspect, that the Ptolemies of this discipline are dead, and its Copernicuses are yet to come. (Times Literary Supplement 1996)
これらはたしかに別々の学問分野である。しかしかりにこれらが 同一の現実相を記述しているのであれば、つまりこれらは同じ一点を目指すべきなのである。結果として、一つの統合が生まれるであろう。ところがもしもこれらに分化、分散をする以外になすすべがないのであるならば、それはすなわち、われわれがすでにして可能性を思い当たっている事柄の証明になる。すなわち、この学問のプトレマイオスたちはすでに死んでいる。そして、この学問のコペルニクスたちの登場が待たれているのである、と。

It was a very remarkable performance, displaying as it did wide and unusual knowledge and a clever marshalling of the facts. Lady Esther's head had drooped; the arrogance of her poise had been abandoned. (Agatha Christie, "The House at Shiraz")

An engineer by training, Suzuki worked for two companies before, in 1985, he set out on his own--starting up a business in Yamagata prefecture in northern Japan that repaired and maintained cement factories. (Newsweek 1998)
受けた教育でいうなら技術者である鈴木氏は、2つの会社に勤務したのちに 1985 年に独立独歩の途をえらんだ。そして北日本の山形県に、セメント工場の修理と保全を行なう会社を設立した。

In 1545, a curious judicial proceeding took place in the French village of Saint-Julien. Its vineyards invaded by weevils, the villagers beseeched Episcopal authorities to threaten the insects with excommunication if they would not leave the vines. The weevils were granted counsel, however, by the Episcopal judge who heard the excommunication proceeding, and their learned advocate apparently argued so well that the judge found for the insects, declaring that being as much creatures of God as men, they had equal rights to consume the plant life of the earth. (Times Literary Supplement 1995)
1545 年、フランスのサン=ジュリアンの村で一つの奇妙な司法手続が行われた。ブドウ畑をゾウムシの群に襲われた村人たちがカトリック教会当局にたいし、もしもブドウ畑を退去しないときは破門を申し付ける、旨をゾウムシにご警告いただきたい`、と願い出たのである。ところがゾウムシたちには、この破門の上訴を聴いた教会の判事によって、話し合いの機会が与えられた。そしてゾウムシ側の学問のある支援者がどうやら見事な弁論を行なったものらしく、判事はムシたちに有利な判決を下した。すなわち人間と同じく神の手になる被造物であるゆえに、ゾウムシもまた地上の生ける植物を食する同等の権利を有する、旨を申し渡したのである。

 Males are biologically primed for violence. Remove the testicles from a rooster and it becomes a benevolent bird. Sew the testes back into its stomach and the fowl's blood-stream once again fills with virility. I only we could all be females, that inherently more cooperative, more peace-loving gender. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)

'What's the matter with you?' I asked. 'What's the matter with you?' 'Nothing save that I'm mystified.' 'You are indeed. You are quite off the hinge. What's the meaning of this new fad? (Henry James, "The Real Thing")
「どうかしたのか?」 私は尋ねた。  「君こそどうかしたのか?」  「どうもしない。ただ訳が分からん、と思うが」   「たしかにそうだろう。君はまったくおかしくなってるんだ。この素っ頓狂な新作品の、意味はいったい何なのかね?」

The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English is a new edition of the 1986 anthology, also edited by Margaret Atwood and Robert Weaver .... Where the earlier anthology included writers born between 1850 and 1951, the current collection contains only one Ethel Wilson not born in the twentieth century, and the emphasis is on works written after the Second World War. (Times Literary Supplement 1996)
『オックスフォ−ド・カナダ英文短編小説新選』は 1986 年の選集の新版であって、同じくやはり M. アトウッド氏と R. ウィ−バ−氏 ... の編集によるものだ。先の選集が 1850 年から 1951 年までの間に生まれた作家たちを収めていたのにたいし、このたびのコレクションでは今世紀生まれではない作家として、わずかに エセル・ウィルソン一人が取り上げられているのみである。そして力点は、第二次世界大戦後に著わされた諸作品の上に置かれている。

At twenty-eight he began to accept with equanimity the prospect of marrying without romantic love; he resolutely chose a New York girl of his own class, pretty, intelligent, congenial, above reproach--and set about falling in love with her. (Scott Fitzgerald, "The Rich Boy")
28 才になると,彼はロマンティックな恋愛を経ないで結婚することになる,という将来の見通しを諦めの気持ちで受け入れるようになった.そして心を決めて,自分と同じ社会的クラスにある一人のニュ−ヨ−クの女性――美人で,知的で,趣味も合い,これといって難点がない――を選び出し,彼女の恋人になる,という企てに乗りだした.

During a typical incident, an underclass mother and baby sat in the savannah grass. A high-ranking female walked haughtily over to the pair. She tugged gently at the baby's arm. When the mother would not give up her child, the socially superior female tugged the arm more violently. (DY 96-4-12, 9)

He began, like most neophyte collectors who have a bundle to spend, with the easy, lovable stuff: Impressionism, and specifically Renoir. But rather than dive in at the deep end of the art market on his own--a certain prelude to drowning--Wynn found himself a guide in William Acquavella, 60, a closemouthed and formidably well-connected New York private dealer whose stockroom is one of the best in the U.S. (Time 1998)
彼は費やすべき札束を手にした駆け出しのコレクタ−が大方そうであるように、わかりやすい、親しみやすい絵画――印象派、とりわけルノア−ル――から始めた。しかし美術品市場の深々とした淵にみずから飛び込むことは避けて――これは確実に溺死へとつながる――、かわりにこのウイン氏は自分自身のために、ウイリアム・アクアウェラ氏というガイド役を見つけた。年令は 60、口の重い、そして驚くばかりの人脈をもったニュ−ヨ−クの個人営業の画商で、その手持ち絵画のストックは全米の中でも最良のものの一つに数えられている。

Umpire Mesherry, who planned to see doctors the next day about irregular heart beat, collapsed on the field seven pitches into Cincinnati's opener Monday and died at a hospital about an hour later. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)
月曜日、メシェリ−主審――心臓不整脈で翌日には医師の診察を受ける予定があった――はシンシナチでの開幕戦において、試合開始後、投球第 7 球目のところでグラウンド上に昏倒した。そして約一時間後、同主審は病院において死亡した。

"The Fisher King" is a wild, vital stew of a movie, an attempt to translate the myth of the Holy Grail to the harsh urban realities of contemporary New York. (Newsweek 1991)

How self-serving of a director general of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization to state that "if mankind loses its past, it will also lose its future". Third world countries and their developed-country benefactors could do more to ensure the future of their people by channeling much needed funds to improving the lot of the poor, underfed, underclothed, under-housed and uneducated. (Newsweek 1990)

Malcolm was eating silently, his wet cheeks shining like the buttery artichoke he held in his hand. One by one the artichokes were taken from the platter, one by one stripped of their leaves. (Jeff Eugenides, "Capricious Gardens")
マルカムはだまって食べていた.濡れた左右の頬が手に持ったバタ−つき朝鮮アザミと同じように 光って見えた.一つ一つ,朝鮮アザミが大皿から取り上げられて,一つ一つ葉がむしられていった.

After the law turns you away, society closes its doors on you, and you find yourself trapped in a life with someone capable of homicide. (Time 1993)

'I'd like to see them maimed in the slowest possible manner. Over weeks and months, with voice tapes made.' (Don Delillo, "The Black-and-White Ball")

A flag-waving celebration of sound and color that opened the biggest Olympics in history climaxed early Saturday with Muhammad Ali, stiffened and shaking from Parkinson's disease, lighting the Olympic flame to roars of excitement. (Japan Times 1996)

Your article on Peru is wrong to blame the Shining Path for all ongoing violence in the country. The story reports on atrocities allegedly committed by the rebels but ignores many reports, published by independent human-rights organizations such as Amnesty International, which takes note of killings and massacres committed by Peru's military. (Newsweek 1991)

Toward sundown the phone rang. It rang so rarely now that the sound surprised her.(Tennessee Williams, "Tent Worms")
日暮れに近くなって、電話が鳴った。   近ごろでは電話が鳴ることも非常に稀だった。それでその音は彼女を驚かせた。

With oil exports reduced dramatically for the better part of a decade, the country's foreign debt is approaching $200 billion. The Iraqi currency is all but worthless against the U.S. dollar. And unemployment runs as high as 90 percent in Bagdad. (Newsweek 1998)
原油の輸出高がこの 10 年のうち大半の年度で激減を見ている状態のもとで 、この国の外貨借入金は 2 千億ドルにも達しようとしている。イラクの通貨は対アメリカドル比ではほとんど無価値にもひとしい。また失業率はバグダッド市で 90 パ−セントの高水準にある。

Mostly, these crimes seemed petty but they began to mount. Someone broke into our next door neighbor's, took nothing but left some clothes. Up the block, a burglar entered and stole silver while our neighbor slept upstairs. She had previously had a bench taken from her backyard and her purse snatched in our alley. (Daily Yomiuri 1996)


He filled in the rest of the order with two vegetable dishes, one spiced lentil and a vegetable pillau. The raita was free, as were the two small jars of mango and lemon pickle. (Bharati Mukherjee, "Nostalgia")

But, with the cipher now before us, all difficulty is removed by the signature. The pun on the word 'Kidd' is appreciable in no other language than the English. But for this consideration I should have begun my attempts with the Spanish and French, as the tongues in which a secret of this kind would most naturally have been written by a pirate of the Spanish main. As it was, I assumed the cryptograph to be English. (Edgar Allan Poe, "The Gold Bug")

Yeltsin goes into this week's meeting full of fight and determination. His critics and foes have not closed ranks behind an alternative program or leader. He has already proved both tough and deft. Former communist that he is, he may follow Lenin's old motto of two steps forward, one step back: a few tactical concessions to keep reform on course. (Time 1992)

Reaching the pass, the air was cooler, with patches of pure white snow surviving the intense summer heat in pockets of shadow. The odometer approached one hundred thousand for what Jones guessed was the second time in the Belvedere's life.
(Charles D'Ambrosio, "Her Real Name")
峠にさしかかると空気は冷たくなった。陰になっている窪地に、夏の強い熱気に耐えて残った白い清らかな雪の斑点があった。走行距離計の数字が十万に近付いたが、これはジョ−ンズが想像するところ、このベルベデ−レの車歴では 2 回目のことになるのではなかっただろう。

Six of those nine judges gave her the nod, and she became the youngest skating champion in Olympic history. "When I stepped on the ice I had a feeling I knew what the Olympics were about," she said. "I had that feeling of pure joy, and I went out there and put it in my program."
(Newsweek 1998)
それら 9 人の審査員のうちの 6 人が彼女には満足の評価を示した。そして彼女はオリンピック史上最年少のスケ−ト・チャンピオンになった。「私は氷の上に踏み出したとき、オリンピックなんてもうこわくない、という気がしました」と彼女は話した。「私はもうまじりけのない、嬉しい気持でした。それで私はリンクに飛び出して行って、そういう気持を演技の中に込めてやりました」 

But every day the state media spout vitriol about the "war maniacal" Americans. Keeping up defense spending against this threat saps what remains of the economy. Yet the North Koreans need the "threat" from the United States. To negotiate it away would leave them feeling pretty empty.
(Newsweek 1998)

She loved colored glass and had covered the walls with shelves of little glass articles, all of them light and delicate in color. These she washed and polished with endless care. When you entered the room there was always this soft, transparent radiance in it which came from the glass absorbing whatever faint light came through the shades on Death Valley. I have no idea how many articles there were of this delicate glass. There must have been hundreds of them. (Tennessee Williams, "Portrait of a Girl in Glass")

The first man, introducing the person who had just entered, said, 'The lawyer.' At which Safwan asked him brusquely, 'And who gave you permission to enter my house?' (Naguib Mahfouz, "Blessed Night")
最初の人物がちょうど入ってきた人物を紹介しながら言った。「弁護士さんです」   これにたいしてセイファンは、ぶっきらぼうにその相手に尋ねた。「で、私のこの家に踏み込んでくる許可を、誰が貴方に差し上げましたか?」



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